Monday, October 8, 2007

Working backwards - Kerala

I haven't written in a while and busy isn't an excuse, because I'm not that busy, really. But I have been to a lot of cool places and I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy it. But the truth is, the places are only as good as the company I was with and the people I met. And I meet great people everywhere. But as a short cut, here are some links to place I went and what I thought of them.

Working backwards, I went to Kerala last weekend. The people of Kerala are genetically programmed to say "God's Own Country" as soon as you get settled. This was confirmed by a local friend of mine. The highlight was a backwater house boat cruise. The most peaceful experience I have ever, ever, ever had. The perfect blend of quiet peacefulness and movement - as you move through the water on a quiet motor boat, with fishermen and other houseboats going by, drinking some wine and just sitting quietly. Oh. We stopped at a small village and walked around. Next stop was to a fisherman's cabin to pick up some fresh prawns and finally, just before dark, a stop at a "toddy" shop for some Keralan coconut feremeted stuff. Slightly alcholic. Then the boat parks on a berm that separates the waters from the rice paddy's. Dinner and some cards and pitch dark night. The next morning is coffee and eggs and motor back to the dock.
The day before I had a scalp massage called a "champi" which is the root of the word shampoo. A very nice head loosener.
On Sunday we toured (shopped) in an old city called Kochi (Cochin). We bought fish from the fishermen on the water front, then took them to a small shop to be cooked. If you ask for 'natural' you don't get all the butter and seasoning, which is worth it because these were great all by them selves. There are some funny liquor laws, I didn't ask the details, but the waiter asked if I wanted a beer. Of course, was the answer, so he brought the special tea. Never drank beer from a tea pot before. We went to a spice shop and and a old synagogue, and a cool antique store.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a lovely trip! what is it about quietly running water that is so soothing? I am so glad you took the time to share with us as it stirs memories of our own peaceful trips and times.