Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Normal? Week

Not much exciting this week, unless you count lice. Thomas was sent home and had to be check. Jake had them too - go figure. Not bad cases, and in Thomas - he's easy to check. Jake - love the hair, but so do the bugs, so we are still combing through him regularly.

The rains started here this week. BIG thunderstorms in the evening. Kills traffic - the traffic lights go out, the traffic cops go home - gridlock. At the flat, we have this wonderful enclosed back porch, but this is the first year the owners have put it in - guess what - it leaks. We had to pull in all the PC equipment, move the furniture away and block the kitchen door so it didn't come in that way. I say "we", but it is really Vani and Jake doing all this - I only sympathize and call the landlord.

We had a scare from Vani last weekend - she took off on Friday night and DIDN'T COME BACK!!!!! I was okay for Saturday and Sunday, and even Monday, but I really need help here and she was it! Turns out she was behaving like a teenager, chasing some fun. The agency rep knows her father and she came back on Tuesday. I was so mad, but she seems to have that out of her system and we are back to normal. She does get time off during the week - I'm not a slave driver - but I do need her to show up on time.

Other than that - rain, lice, Vani, the week was normal. Working hard, but planning the trip to see northern India and to come home. Tentative dates for Texas are 7/18 - 7/30.

Also, if you can, install Skype. If you link up to someone you can talk long distance, even international for FREE! Our account is 'jakethom' and we should show as available whenever someone here is online, so you can just see if we are on and give us a call! I tested it out with Jamie last week and it worked great!

Boys are fine - they had their Arts week last week. They had a musical program - Thomas's class had to sing "Hey Jude" and Jake's sang "Layla". I missed the "Layla" performance - at Jake's request. but what kind of music teacher asks 13 year olds to sing Eric Clapton songs - I don't know!

Don't forget Jake turns 13 next month -OOHHHH - he promised to be the perfect teenager - and that is NOT a good thing :-))

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the Mysore trip appears to be a really fun trip. The size of the croc is impressive!
The boys seem to be growing too!!!