Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Where the Indians are Cowboys

This was from the first days here - read the restaurant review - it's hilarious!
Last weekend, I went to a local ex-pat butcher and got good ground beef and we had hamburgers - that hit the spot.

Millers 46 Deccan Herald Link

Last night we went to a 'steakhouse'. Mistake. Not that it was that bad, but we had our hopes up and we so tired that we couldn't laugh at the results. Jake about lost it, but hung in there. This place was called Miller 46 and billed it's self as based on the legend some guys named Miller. The waiters, these scrawny India (and some Asian types) dressed in these funky western shirts. They had some tequila drinks that would kill you. But they had steak and baked potatoes, so Jake asks for a bacon burger and baked potato. The chef comes out to consult and tells him that the bacon burger is *just* bacon on a roll. So we rethink and out comes this huge hamburger. But you would never know how engineered the US hamburger buns are, because they just don't have it here and this bun just fell apart. The potato was about 2 1/2 inches around and the fully loaded, was some butter and runny sour cream. Then we ordered apple pie.
Oh my. . .
But the steak Thomas and I ordered was decent and Jake got a second potato and we went home and crashed. We (they) are learning that what the menu says here may not translate to our expectations and to always have a fallback meal in mind (did I tell you I paid $5 for a jar of American PB - that's our fallback sometimes - and I have more coming in our shipment, so we'll be fine)

Today we went to church in the morning and came home and made spagetti for lunch - the boys appreciated a home cooked meal even if the spagetti sauce was to spicy - this was a jar of 'pizza' sauce that we thought would work, but it didn't. Yesterday we went to a bakery that was recommended and they also had some jars of Ragu spagetti sauce. Might have to go back there. Then we took a nap and then we went to the biggest local temple today and then to the mall. Seeing all sides of things, I guess.

I will tell you that it is exhausting getting around here. It took about an hour to get to the temple because the driver got lost. From there to the mall, then to another shopping district. We were only out for about 4 hours and we were all wiped when we came back. Some of it may be the heat, but it's hard being a passenger, with the way the cars stop, start, slow down, swerve, honk, flash headlights. It could be the bombardment of images. It could be because it's hard being stared at, even when you are in the car (but I can't complain, because we are staring back).

Oh, and there is a donkey cart station about a block from this new service apartment. About 4 carts all parked and the donkeys tied to stone blocks with feedbags. That explains the donkey stampede my friend saw when he was staying here. I also walked up the local market street and saw the mutton shop (with carcasses hanging) and the chicken shop (live chickens - pick your own), among other specialties. There was a cart that I think was either selling pots and pans or collecting them, not sure.

And in one of the shopping areas we found the Bangalore Ham shop and bought some bacon. We are still looking for eggs that I think would be safe to eat. Of the 2 grocery stores I've been to, one didn't carry them and the other kept them out by the cash register that wasn't going to work for me. (note - we are eating eggs now - the taste richer than the eggs in the US)


Unknown said...

Hello Cathy, This is Jude the owner of Millers 46. Thanks for visiting our restaurant. So sorry that you didn't find your dinning experience satisfactory. This note is to inquire if there is any thing that we could do to improve your next dinning experience. If there is a specific recipe or a way that you'd like your steak made it would be our pleasure to oblige.
Regarding the PB, a store "Ariyanth Plaza" is located right opposite the entrance of Commercial Street. The outlet is in the basement and is 2nd from the right. They specialize in packaged food products from overseas and the prizes are competitive. I do appreciate your experiences of my city as I have spent a considerable time overseas and subsequently returned. If there is any information you would like reg. eggs etc. please do mail me at jude@millers46.com Warm regards, Jude

Karthik Shetty said...

Millers is indeed supposed to be one of the better steak houses here in Bangalore, and as someone who's been here all 25 years of my existence, I can also say that it's one of the few that comes closest to being about as authentic as they come.

'Scrawny Indian waiters'! Give us a break; we're Indians, not overfed, red-neck hillbillies. And Indian are Asian too you know (but I get your drift).

You could try Kobe's on Church St. for steaks. I'm fairly certain you won't be disappointed (crossing my fingers).

As far as eggs go, you could buy them anyplace they're available, but make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after touching them (I go to the extent of washing and scrubbing my eggs with an old toothbrush).

Hope you enjoy your stay in Bangalore